crestron go on touch panel and phone


Time sensitive update

Creston will cease upgrades to the Crestron App and has removed it from the App Store. It has been replaced by Creston Go.

Current Crestron App owners must upgrade for free ($99 value) by August 31st to the Crestron Go and/or Crestron Go-Tablet for fixes to their platform.

Please contact the CTI Care Team to schedule a programmer to assist with any questions you encounter at or (800) 743-6051.


  • Go to the app store and download Crestron Go
  • Open Crestron Go, accept the EULs, and tap ‘Upgrade’ button at the bottom. Confirm the in-app “purchase” upgrade of $0.00.
  • Open the Crestron App and quickly tap the ‘loading’ box so your project doesn’t load (you may have to force close and re-open if you’re not fast enough; if you are unable to do this, turn off WiFi and cellular data and try again).
  • Tap the settings icon in the lower left-hand corner and tap ‘export settings.’ A window will pop up with contacts and apps – scroll over on the apps until you see the three dots. Tap the three dots and scroll down until you see Crestron Go. Tap Crestron Go to export your settings. Now the Crestron Go app should load with your project.
corporate conference room av
corporate conference room av
corporate conference room av
crestron logo

Crestron’s announcement on the updates can be found here on their website.

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