abstract pattern, network lines, automation

For a great AV tech customer experience, one key component is great customer support. Automation in AV and IT helpdesks can significantly diminish the time burden placed on AV pros, while at the same time providing superior customer experience. That’s a big deal when it comes to allocating your people resources and delivering on exceptional UX promises. Thinking about automation as part of your AV helpdesk strategy? Now is the time to take action. 

The Challenge:

As screen sharing, remote participants, unified communications, and video conferencing tools are becoming ubiquitous functions in the world of work, so have the ways humans can become frustrated in understanding these technologies and using them. When everything goes right with AV, it is a marvel, even for those of us who understand how all this stuff works. But when it goes wrong, those who rely on these technologies in their day-to-day expect help now. 

It’s not that you mind troubleshooting for clients. That kind of problem-solving can be an interesting part of the job. But when your team is spending all their time putting out fires, other work suffers. Service desk automation can make a big difference here. 

Businesspeople Sitting In A Conference Room Looking At Screen, virtual meeting

The complexity of installations—whether in meeting rooms, indoor and outdoor displays, whatever the business segment—is growing greater every day. And while making things as intuitive and user-friendly as possible is the goal, assistance in starting, stopping, or otherwise fixing AV equipment and software will always be a necessity. Artificial and automated intelligence can really come to the rescue in many of these situations.

Automation is happening already. Think about how sensors and IoT collect data on how people interact with AV and IT equipment every day. You are probably employing some of these tactics already. Your helpdesk needs to be next. Here’s why:


AV and IT are inextricably linked. Right now the average internal IT helpdesk gets nearly 500 support tickets per month. Without automation, staff spend a big chunk of time on questions, upgrade requests, and help when something doesn’t work, breaks, or just isn’t accessible to the end-user. Everyone is frustrated with this scenario. 

Automation can clear the backlog and get your team back on task by providing solutions like self-service password resets, and internal help portals. This does two things: It saves time for your team and it provides you with helpful documented data. Where are employees experiencing the most challenges? Where is your team spending most of their time? You can use that data to improve service way beyond the help desk. 

This is truly the power of AI and service desk automation. Automation can take some of the tedium out of the help desk equation, and add more precision and speed to match the various questions and challenges faced each day.

As you read this, you are probably doing a quick assessment of how your team spends their time. Are they doing enough of the high-level work they get paid to do? Could automation at the helpdesk and elsewhere ease the workflow? It undoubtedly could.

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