tablet, phone and laptop all connected to a cloud

We’ve entered a new era of videoconferencing. Thanks to higher bandwidth, the Internet, mobile, and web-enabled conferencing, videoconferencing is very different from what it was a decade ago. Infrastructure can be run in the cloud. Video can be done on a mobile device or from a browser. People can seamlessly connect anywhere on any device. And, all of this can be done affordably. Influenced by several factors, the videoconferencing landscape is changing before our eyes. Let’s look at some of the major transformations.

Room-Based Videoconferencing Is Declining

The cloud is taking videoconferencing out of boardrooms and putting it onto the desktops and devices of the people, resulting in huge benefits for businesses. In most organizations, expensive, room-based video communications is being replaced by low-cost cloud video solutions. It has been found that migrating to cloud-based software and services can lead to as much as a 25 percent reduction in IT costs. While saving money is one of the major reasons why businesses are switching to the cloud, fully-managed technical support is another important factor that’s driving the popularity of cloud-based video solutions. With vendors providing set-up, monitoring, and troubleshooting as a complete package, getting videoconferencing up and running is easier than ever.

Enterprise Video Is Moving To Mobile

A mobile workforce has brought significant changes in the way corporate communications is happening today. Some of the biggest workplace trends like BYOD, remote collaboration, and anytime collaboration are being supported by mobile technology. This has led to an increasing demand for mobile-enabled videoconferencing. The rising trend in mobile videoconferencing presents new business opportunities for cloud vendors in the form of new markets and revenue streams. Mobile video requires customers to invest in better data plans, mobile device management (MDM) and mobile access management (MAM) for workplace assignments, security, and maintenance.

WebRTC Is Emerging As An Industry Standard

Browser-based videoconferencing is the hottest new trend in the field and its flag-bearer is the technology called WebRTC. WebRTC is becoming popular as a simpler, faster, and easier way to provide videoconferencing through a web browser. According to a recent directive by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), browser developers who support WebRTC need to integrate VP8 and H.264 video codecs. This may influence more enterprise software developers and UC (unified communication) vendors to embed the technology into their products. WebRTC promises the benefits of real-time video communication, such as video chats through a browser.

Videoconferencing Systems Are The Wave Of The Future For Business Today. It’s Time You Explored The Benefits This New Technology Can Bring To Your Organization.

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