Phoenix Courtroom Technology
An Innovative Courtroom Technology System
CTI is your resource for audio-visual advances in courtroom technology. Our court consulting group brings over 25 years of design and integration expertise to guide your court system infrastructure with detailed knowledge tailored to all court calendar types. With continual changes in technology and facility requirements, our goal is to develop current solutions for you to achieve an innovative courtroom system.
Phoenix Virtual Courtrooms are becoming necessary. CTI can get your courtroom technology online.
Can You Hear All Of The Parties In The Courtroom Well?
Most existing courtrooms use equipment that was designed thirty years ago. Our goal is to create a feeling of conversation that allows people to speak at a normal volume and have audio distributed throughout the courtroom. Today’s courtrooms need to integrate with digital recordings, integrated audio conferencing and video conferencing. CTI has developed and refined solutions that are cost effective and exceed the courtroom audio expectations.
Is Your Court Compliant With ADA-Assisted Listening Standards?
ADA standards to meet assisted listening compliance can be accomplished in a few different ways. There are portable systems to achieve this, but also integrated quality voice-lift systems that connect to an ADA device for a seamless and constant connection.
Does Your Audio System Have A Bench Conference System?
The ability to conduct a bench conference is important for trials to maintain close conversations between the attorneys, judge and record. To exclude the peripheral attendees of the court through push buttons with the microphone control activation, white noise, court reporter headset control, and recording is achieved only through high quality integration.

It was the right company to go with because I knew that I was going to get all hands on deck to meet our very aggressive timeline and I couldn’t be happier.
When I am working with CTI and want to produce an event, I sit down with my design consultant and I know that we are going to be able to do something really special.
There is a friendliness and a delightful working relationship. They are one of us and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
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