Newhope Church Case Study
CTI helped build a custom lighting grid and upgraded the console, lighting and audio equipment for Newhope’s 1200 seat auditorium.
“Early on in my career I learned that relationships are key to success. For close to 20 years I have been working with the team at CTI for all of our AVL needs and they have become like family. The attention to detail, collaborative process and constant communication is unprecedented and I am truly grateful.”
“We felt that they listened to us. That they understood what our needs were, but they could also recommend things that we hadn’t thought of yet.”
“Working with CTI, they were able to bring that creative perspective and insight on “how do we achieve this?”. It was great to be able to work hand-in-hand with them to make it successful.
“The reason we chose CTI to be a part of our team is we needed a partner that could be part of us, dream with us, be visionary with us, but then provide a practical, functional solution that would work us.
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